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About MUBBS Echo Mail:
Here on AOL we can now have a "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail that will allow us
to discuss MUBBS at a very low cost.
The following explains more about the Echo and how to get on it.
The advantages of using E-Mail for a "Echo":
1. It's very low cost. Most online systems allow some sort of automatic
mail read/send, and more are adding this feature. Most transfers take less
than a minute! For example: If your system charges $5 per hour, and you set
up to read/send EVERY day, it would cost less than 60 cents per week!
2. E-Mail comes directly to you, you don't have to spend time trying to find
the "subject" you are interested in, while paying online charges. If you are
using automatic read/send, then the mail is put directly on your computer
for later viewing.
3. The Echo can be "ported" to other SYSTEMS and NETWORKS WORLDWIDE!
This wil allow the Echo to be everywhere, while you only have to check
into the system you like best.
4. If you don't want the echo, you just turn it off by sending a simple
E-Mail message to the mailer, then when you are interested again, you just
send another message and it turns on (you do miss all messages inbetween,
it doesn't save them for you but they are all archived, see below).
What is a "Echo Daemon" ?
The Echo Daemon is a little "robot" that wakes up every night to see if it
received any mail. If it does, it resends that mail to a mailing list, then
goes back to sleep.
The Echo Daemon can have "functions" or "commands" to do certian things
via a E-Mail sent command. Like it can send you a "help" file or other
information files that you request, or add/delete your name from the
mailing list by your command! (these features are planned but not yet
The word "Daemon" comes from UNIX (and InterNet) type systems, it means
a sort of "background" program that performs a task when you are not
How to use the E-Mail Echo Daemon via AOL:
It's very SIMPLE to receive the "MUBBS Echo" via E-Mail, just send "N
Hawthorn" a message saying you want to receive the "Echo".
Your name will be added to the list, and you should receive your first Echo
Mail message shortly after.
To SEND out to the Echo (for all to read), just press the "Reply to Author"
button to the left of any message that the Echo Daemon has sent to you.
DON'T PRESS "REPLY TO ALL"!! The Echo Daemon sends to "ALL" for you!
I recomend setting up FlashMail to automaticly log in and read/send your
mail about every 3 days late at night OR you can just check in every once
and a while by selecting "Activate FlashMail Now" (then it calls AOL and
reads/sends the mail and hangs up quickly).
When you set up FlashMail to be automatic, you only type in your password
ONCE and it does the rest NIGHTLY! You only have to go to your computer
and read the mail thats come in, you don't even have to bother logging in!
The amount of messages verses the amount of time to transfer them (at
2400 baud) would be just about a minute in most cases, and that figures
out to about 83 cents per MONTH! (every 3 days at $5 per hour).
I DO NOT recomend logging in MANUALLY, then getting your mail one at a
time! FlashMail is very efficent and easy to use!
Preapare ALL your mail OFF LINE, this is the best way for saving $$.
You can set up a seperate account just to receive the Echo if you wish. On
AOL you would then have to sign on SEPERATLY to get the mail on that
account though.
You should "delete" any OLD messages about once every 6 months. The Echo
will be AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVED, and a text file will be uploaded to AOL
and other systems every once and a while. So if you missed something, you
can find it in a (compressed) archive.
There's NO CHARGE for being a part of the ECHO. You only pay STANDARD
ONLINE charges for AOL access.
If you want to stop receiving the Echo, just write "N Hawthorn" again. This
will eventually be handled by the mailer itsself.
Deleted Screen Names:
If you think you are going to "leave" AOL (screen name deleted), please tell
me ahead of time so that the messages can be stopped.
Whats in the FUTURE?
The future is always planned into anything with MUBBS!
Plans are to make the MUBBS Echo on AOL connect with a E-Mail Echo on
InterNet (world wide!) and to connect with GEnie, MUBBS Net, FidoNet and
whatever else sends E-Mail via a computer!
It would be worth it to find a LOCAL & FREE access site to InterNet! You
CAN find them if you look. Most systems are listed, but some are "hole in
the wall" types that can be found by getting on InterNet and asking people.
What "Mad Scientist" created this little Daemon ?
It was written by your favorite little "Mad MUBBS Programmer", N
Sorry, this program will not be publicly available. (maybe?)